Archive for the ‘anti-American’ Category


Double Standards

September 10, 2017

There abounds a huge double standard by the democrats when it comes to GOP nominees, two democrat senators blasted two judicial nominees for their catholic faith. The U.S. Constitution bars a religious test of anyone entering into an appointed position or elected position. The Democratic Party views anyone with a solid religious conviction that is not the same as theirs to be unfit for any office.

The democratic senators on the judicial committee used every minute to attack Trumps judicial nominees for their religion, and they both are stellar nominees in their own right, and one gave the democratic senators a schooling on issues that conflicted with their personal beliefs and that is the recusal step in any case that is brought before them.

We are told that Nominees by Clinton and Obama are above the recusal step even if they have a direct impact as to how a court case will end. The latest is the appointment of special prosecutor mueller, he should have declined the appointment due to the direct involvement of one party namely James Comey that he has been friends with for decades. The apppintments of lawyers that mueller has selected should also be stepping down due to conflicts of party affiliations.

It is time to start holding all democrats to the same standards that they try to impose upon anyone who is not a liberal progressive democrat. It’s time we solidly judge them for their politics and stop the destruction of America. Far to long have they used the phrases “its for the children”,”they want to take away your social security”, “they want to kick your grandparents to the streets”,”they want to starve the children”, those are just a few phrases they have kept repeating since the 1970’s.

There are over 50 federal jobs programs in every state, that are not needed because its is a private industry issue not a federal govt issue. Just as the minimum wage law is not needed, it is just a federal program that creates an incentive for people to rely on the largesse of the federal government. I am in a state where the minimum wage is almost double the federal minimum wage law.

The double standard is so apparent, they are directly implying that average person is not as intelligent as they are and that is why they deem themselves smarter than the average person who needs to be told how to do everything from where to live, what to eat, where to work, where they can go to school. Take congresswoman Maxine Waters, prime example of living proof of double standards she does not live in the district she represents, she lives in a multi-million dollar house while the average person in the district she represents has a home that is less than 80,000 at best.

The media also helps in furthering the double standards by refusing to investigate anyone who has the Letter D behind their names if they are elected, the media will only investigate them if they can no longer be useful. Another double standard is Hillary Clinton, she has broken so many federal laws, yet they refuse to even think she has done anything wrong.

A huge double standard is the difference between President Trump and, former President Clinton. President Trump only spoke crudely of treating women being caught on video tape intentionally to try and ruin his life, versus former President Clinton who has been a serial sexual deviant and rapist since he was 18 and a Rhodes scholar. Former President Clinton has been a frequent flyer on the Lolita express owned by a convicted pedophile and a frequent visitor to said pedophiles island, where as President Trump has not and will not go near the convicted pedophile.


Party Of Hate

September 2, 2017

The democrats have long been the party of hate, even at its inception as a free nation and not one founded on European ideals.

To call the democrats a party of compassion is an oxymoron to begin with, they have no compassion their only goal is to transform this nation into a European styled nation where the government controls your life from cradle to grave.

They do not seek to help minority groups achieve success but to enslave them into the never ending nightmare of government programs and regulations while exempting themselves from the very programs they create to establish a lower caste society to keep them in power politically.

The hate that democrats have of America is unbelievable, they will even break their oath to the constitution even after being sworn in to protect the constitution, country, state, and its citizens.

Former Senator Fullbright: signer of the southern manifesto, opposed public school integration, opposed the 1965 civil rights bill and several others while he was a senator.

Former Senator Byrd: Memeber of the KKK, grand dragon, helped filibuster the 1965 civil rights bill.

Al Gore Sr: opposed the civil rights bill, and even helped filibuster the bill on the senate floor.

Barry Goldwater: candidate for office of President, both Hillary and Bill both dreamed of Goldwater becoming president and overturning the civil rights act of 1965, and putting segregation back into prominence.

The SPLC: a Progressive liberal law firm that incites hate and encourages violence on any group or person that does not hold the same beliefs that the group believes in. They are funded by a well known person who hates America, and that is George Soros. They are also accepting funding from other questionable sources outside the country and refuse to provide the details.

The SPLC is beholden to foreign countries who despise this nation like the SPLC does. It’s not what they say but what they do and we should watch them

The democrats if they really were for the people then the A.C.A., repeal act would have passed because its hurting to many people monetary wise. The Medicaid expansion actually has the democrats drooling with anticipation because down the road when a person dies, that persons estate must repay Medicaid back first even if it takes everything from the cash to property.