Archive for the ‘anti-American’ Category



August 25, 2017

The Democratic Party has now begun the whitewashing of the parties real history, they are trying to erase the real confederacy connection that the party has.

The democrats are going to have to purge all members of the house and senate members from the time of the confederacy. They will have to purge the awarding of the Margaret Sanger award, and the fullbright scholarship.

They will need to rename buildings named in honor of former demcorats, the party as a whole will have to renounce their creation of the KKK and the continued control of the organization as well.

The Civil war was not originally about slavery but excessive taxation by the federal government at the time. In Lincolns own papers it shows where he ordered the navy to fire upon fort Sumter the tax fort in Charlestown bay. Freeing the slaves was a means to end the war faster than to let it continue for years. What most people do not realize is that the emancipation proclamation only covered the southern states in the confederacy that was fighting against the union army.

It wasn’t until 1869 that congress freed the slaves that were slaves in the northern states, the main reason for the delay was”good help is hard to find”.

The media also needs to be held accountable for their actions as well, for lying about the connections of the person who was the organizer for the Charlottesville protest march is actually a founder of the occupy wall street protest. They now have people from their own party organizing protest marches for people with conservative views, so they can accuse conservatives creating a hostile environment that allows the taking and erasing of their true history.

Currently the entire media both print and television are helping the Democratic Party and its elected members whitewash their real history by implicating that the neo-nazis, white supremacists,and the KKK are all socialist progressive based. The KKK was created by the democrats during the reconcruction era and have continued to fund it thru the likes of George Soros, and other multimillionaires within the Democratic Party ranks. If they want to totally white wash their history then they need to renounce Margaret Sanger, Al Gore Sr, formers senators Fulbright and the scholarship, and senator Byrd as well.

They need every democrat whose family even remotely is tied to slavery and or rascism, to resign.they also need to admit they blocked the real end to slavery for four more years after the end of the civil war. Slavery was still allowed in the northern states for four years after the civil war ended on the basis of “good help was hard to find”.


Mr McCain

August 4, 2017

Mr. McCain, what you did on the floor in the senate amounts to nothing more than turning your back on the people who re-elected you on the basis that you would vote to repeal the A.C.A., when it was brought up onto the floor in the senate.

What exactly did the Democratic Party promise you in the form of quid pro quo to get you and Ms. Susan Collins and Ms. Lisa Murkowski to vote against the repeal bill. It is not your place to decide what type of insurance I or anyone else will buy in the form of health insurance.

In your rush to protest what President Trump said on the campaign trail was really beneath you as a former military member. You have utterly disgraced the military as a whole and the uniform you wear at times. You gave up your honor, integrity, and spit upon the oath that you gave as an enlisted man into the military. You have totally disgraced all the branches of the military and the men and women who served before you, served with you, and that are currently serving in the military. So what are you getting from the democrats for voting no….

Your no vote just inflicts more monetary pain upon the people who re-elected you. But what do you care, when we the taxpayers are subsidizing the health care premiums that you pay each month. Your tantrum disgraced the senate chambers, you sounded like a woman experiencing her first period.

The repeal was to put health insurance cost controls back where it needs to be in the hands of the consumers not the likes of you. As a single older male and just because of my age and the state that I currently live in, my monthly premium would be 978.00 a month with a 100.00 dollar deductible for both docotors visits and prescription copays.

I need basic health care and catastrophic health insurance, I do not need to pay additionally for children medical care, and or health care for a woman.

By your actions, I have to decide do I pay my mortgage or do I pay my health insurance premiums, because of your selfish actions which is a national embarassement.

You pretend that you are a republican but you vote with the democrats 80% of the time against your own party. Either grow the balls that you had as a pilot and stop campaigning on the fact that you were a POW. It’s time to honor the promises that you made to the people of Arizona to repeal the A.C.A. And get rid of Obama illegals actions.

Retire and let a true conservative take your seat in the senate since you have lost your honor, and integrity by selling out to the democrats.