Archive for the ‘army’ Category


Memorial Day

May 28, 2018

On may 5th 1868, decorations day was established to decorate the graves of the soldiers that had died in battle or had passed away. Decorations day was to be observed on may 30th each year. After. World War 1, was decorations day was to include all soldiers that have fought in wars that American soldiers were in.

In 1971, by an act of Congress Memorial Day was established to be observed on the last Monday in May. Some states have let the practice of observing and honoring those who have died to fall on the wayside over political views.

Since the Revolutionary War, there have been just over 667,000,000 Americans soldiers that have given their all during battle, and died years after each battle American troops were in. That number is expected to grow as the number of living soldiers from WW1 & WW2 die, that is also starting to happen with the American soldiers that were in the Korean conflict and the Vietnam conflicts.

The soldiers that enlisted in the 1970’s,1980’s are approaching retirement age both in the military and in civilian life. American civilians that were born in 2000 are just starting to come of age to enlist and from what I see is amazing, to see 18yo born in the year 2000 step up and enlist to serve this nation.

We should honor the troops that are alive or have died or passed away today and everyday, instead on celebrating those who gave their all only on Memorial Day. Because of those who willingly serve today and those were drafted into the military are the very reasons we have the freedoms laid out in the Constitution of the United States.

Yes we have those who oppose the military since the 1960’s who will do anything to prevent this nation from defending itself against those nations that seek to harm this nation. The ones who harm the military are the liberals and progressives and socialists that give lip service when taking the oath to protect and defend the Comnstitution. The latest is Sequestration put in place by Obama during his presidency. Those in congress have also done harm to our veterans by using the veterans administration and the hospitals as political hostages by cutting its budgets and to breaks the promise this nation gave to its soldiers.

Do something unique this year, I once a month anonymously will pay for a current active duty soldiers meal, or a veteran, or a retired military persons meal either just his or the entire groups meal, its my way of saying thank you for taking the time out of your personal life to serve this nation.

To all those who have passed away, currently enlisted and serving, retired veterans may you have a great decorations day/Memorial Day because of your service is why I have my freedoms still today.

Signed by,
An American civilian


The Forgotten Citizen

September 11, 2017

This is in deep gratitude to Sean Hannity and his talking about the forgotten man in this past election.

The Forgotten Citizen
I am the forgotten citizen, who out of total frustration helped elect Donald J Trump as President. The forgotten citizen rose up en-mass out of frustration with the elites trying to shove a candidate down our throat even if we did not want that person.

The forgotten citizen spoke with a resounding NO, to Hillary Clinton who felt that the presidency was her birthright. even with her breaking federal laws, lying and even cheating her way to the DNC presidential nomination because she would have lost being in an honest and fair electoral fight.

As the forgotten citizen we elect those who claims to serve each citizen of each state they were elected from be it the house or the senate. whats sad is they serve the huge donors who tell them how to think and vote on legislation as long as it benefits the donors and not the American citizens as it should be. far to long have we listened and watched politician after politician proclaim what they will do for the citizens they wish to represent.

Time after time these so called honest politicians go to Washington D.C. go and pass legislation that digs deeper into each hard working American citizen. the establish new programs and entitlements that are so suppose to be safety nets for the hard working American citizens but due to regulations and guidelines the majority of American citizens never qualify for the assistance by making to much. The elected democrats fall over themselves handing out these so called benefits for American citizens to Illegal Immigrants and if anyone opposes them, they immediately go on the attack calling anyone that disagrees racist and homophobes, misogynists, white supremacists, neo-nazis.

The forgotten American citizen lost his health insurance just so that 11 million illegals would be provided with free health care, that the American Citizens pay for with higher payroll taxes and other income taxes.

The forgotten American Citizen is getting tired of every single person being classified and sorted into groups so that a political party can tease and appease them for their own political benefit. The Forgotten American Citizen is tired of all of it. As the Forgotten American citizen we do not care if you are gay that is your issue not ours, we do not care if you are black, latino, or any other race. As The Forgotten Citizen we see everyone as an American Citizen first why tear this country apart as classified groups.

The Forgotten Citizen is going to help the President drain the swamp by electing those who wish to serve the citizens of this nations and the states they are elected from instead of serving the K Street donors. we have access to how each congressional house member voted, and how each senate member voted as well.

A warning to the house and senate, the Forgotten American Citizen is watching your every vote, you went to Washington D.C. to serve not get rich off the backs of hard working American Citizens. For far to long that is what has happened once they are elected not all but quite a few have become millionaires just selecting one house member will give proof, House member Maxine Waters her personal wealth was less than 35 grand, in 2016 close to 2 million dollars.

The Forgotten American Citizen will be watching how each house member and senate member votes to advance Trumps Agenda, next year the swamp in the house will be drained.

Signed this day, 09/11/2017
The Forgotten American Citizen….