Posts Tagged ‘Al Gore’


Clinton & Obama

March 26, 2016

I have tried not to compare or draw conclusions regarding Obama severe defencies as President of the United States but it is becoming very alarming. Obama is following in the footsteps of Clinton when it comes to dealing with enemies of our nation and dealing with terrorism in general. Clinton saw no problems with innocent civilians getting killed in response to his orders of taking out al Qaeda top members with drone killing, Obama is following the same footsteps in dealing with ISIS, aka ISIL and refusing to call them Muslim fundelmentalist followers of the Quran instead the winks and nods by calling them radicalized which in fact they are not.

Andrew C McCarthy, was the attorney that prosecuted the blind sheik(Omar Abdel Rahman) and eleven other jihadists. To fully understand the persons that he was prosecuting he read the entire Quran, and asked for advice on certain passages and came to conclusion that the blind sheik and the other eleven were not radical Muslims but devout followers of the faith.

For Obama to say that the Muslims that are killing innocent civilians and attacking places all over the world have been radicalized is a huge lie and a disservice to this nation. Those radicalized Muslims are just devout followers of the Quran and Islam.

When you have the holy leader of Iran calling for “Death To America”, and it’s being broadcasted on cable news and regular news, you have the news media complicit in not sayin the the holy leader of Iran is radicalized when they know in fact that is what a devout Muslim follower of Islam really would say.

First it was Carter during his presidency, his idea of getting the American held hostage by a nation of devout followers of Islam to apply sanctions to hurt the new leaders of Iran. Carters idea was flawed from the onset, the leaders of Iran never suffered just the general population of Iran did. The new leaders used the sanctions to whip up hatred for America.  The talks never materialized during carters presidency, Carter thought using the carrot stick approach that the hostages would be released. Clinton used the same carrot stick approach in dealing with al quaeda by using jets and drones and he failed just as well.  I’m not sure but the phrase so as not to offend devout followers of Islam the term radicalized Muslims was coined sometime between 2001 and 2006. Obama is using the same carrot stick approach as Carter and Clinton had and you can see where it got them and it put the nation at risks for their liberal beliefs.

Obama uses the phrase so as to not offend Muslims, instead of radicalized Muslims he should be stating that it is devout followers of the Quran who are making bombs and killing innocent civilians because they see themselves in a holy war against all nonbelievers and we are the infidels according to the Quran.

I have read the Quran and I agree with Andrew C. McCarthy that they are not radicalized Muslims but devout followers of the Quran and call it a holy war against the infidels.


The New World AKA America

June 30, 2015

Before America became its own nation in its own right, slavery was brought to the new world by the following nations

Portuguese, Great Britain, French, Spanish and the Dutch Empire.  The first blacks came to America as indentured

servants,but soon all pretense was ended when those 5 nations had established outposts along the coast of the African

Continent. Those five nations started buying African slaves from local African leaders that had captured in raids from other

African tribes.  The local leaders saw that selling the slaves into slavery and taken away from the African continent was far

better than to outright kill the captured slaves.  Between 1607 and 1732 with the establishment of the 13 colonies so had

slavery been established by the 5 nations and until 1776 when the 13 colonies declared its independence as a new nation

slavery had been in America for 169 years.  Slavery existed legally in the states for another 85 years with the federal govt

turning a blind eye to it because the federal govt benefited from the sale of slaves in the south, even sold slaves in the

south on federal ships.

America had been founded on Judeo-Christain beliefs that concept today annoys every single liberal to their bones. The

Constitution includes a clause that has the liberals more upset than anything else, it prohibits the federal govt from creating

or establishing a national religion.  The fact that this nation was founded on judeo-christain beliefs means that we can learn

from our past and accept our past to become a better nation.  For the past fifty years liberals have been getting a free ride

when it comes to the past, it was conservatives that opposed slavery and they were concentrated for the most part in the

northern states, where as the liberals were the ones who held onto the notion that slavery was legally and morally accepted

in the world at that time, but there was a growing movement to free all slaves in 1860, but before that had happened Lincoln

invaded confederate states to keep them from leaving the union because it was the money from the southern states that

paid to keep the federal govt in business. ( The above information can be found but it does take time because the liberals hate the truth so they bury it deep, very deep. )

Today’s culture is to rewrite history so that the good history is removed and only the bad and horrendous are only taught

because this country is not exceptional because of how the nation was founded.  The liberals do not want the education of

the country has actually inspired other nations to expand the freedoms that they did not have prior to the formation of this

nation.  The founding Fathers decided it was the people who granted the govt. the powers to govern not the other way

around where the govt. ruled by decree and decided what rights the people were allowed.  In 1788 George Washington ran

for President against John Adams, Washington received the most electoral college votes, John Adams became George

Washington’s Vice President  under the rules of election in the constitution. George Washington served two terms until 1797

when John Adams was elected the 2nd President of the United States and the first ever peaceful hand over of power to

govern a nation.

This nation has given more opportunities to minorities to succeed than any other nation before, most of our amendments to

the constitution has some basis of the ten commandments in them, that is another reason why the democrats and the

liberals hate the country and the constitution.

I will be posting more to this as I read more about the history on this nation, that is the truth and not rewritten history  to

reflect how bad this nation is according to everything obama and the democrats and the tv media proclaims it to be.