Posts Tagged ‘. GOP’


The Media And The Democrats Lie Again

March 31, 2015

The latest attack on conservatism has been happening since the Governor of Indiana,
signed into law a bill that is nearly 100% identical to the bill that then president
bill clinton signed into law in 1993. The law that I am referring to is the Freedom Of Restoration Act that then president bill clinton signed into law and 25 other states had signed into law similar or identical to the federal law.

Here is a little bit of history on the bill that was signed into law by then president bill clinton, a group of native american indians were arrested and jailed for possession of peyote that they stated was for religious purposes. In 1993 when the democrats held congress and the presidency the bill Religious Of Freedom Restoration Act was passed with near 100% in the house and near 100% in the senate and bill clinton signing it into law.

Now that a Republican Governor and Republican legislature have passed the nearly identical Religious Freedom Restoration Act to the Federal version is to be deemed discriminatory against gays, lesbians, transgender but yet wont protest the same federal law that has been on the books since 1993. Here is the Federal Law Link, and Indiana’s law Link, as you can tell the laws are nearly identical the only issue is that a Republican Governor did the same thing that the democrats rushed to protect the use of peyote by native american indians.

Now that liberals are having to deal with the state of Indiana having the same law on their state law books, they had to come up with a farce of claiming discrimination and will not allow the truth to be known. The law has what is called the Sherbert Test which mandates strict scrutiny if a law has violated the freedom of religion in the 1st amendment.

liberals and democrats and the media hate that a state with a republican governor, and state controlled legislature are applying the same federal law and having it on the state law books. They now see this law only in one light and will not accept any other story line other than it is based on allowing sexual discrimination against gays and lesbians and transgendered.

Colorado does not have this law on their books and case in point is when a lesbian couple knowing full well that a specific bakery ran their bakery based on their religious beliefs. They went in and tried ordering a wedding cake knowing that they would be turned down for the cake only, for years they had been customers for other bakery items. The couple never turned them away from buying any of their products they only turned them down for the wedding cake based on their religious values and beliefs. They were put out of business by the lesbian couple complaining to the state for the bakeries discrimination against them based on sexual orientation.

This law in Indiana now has the state making sure that bills passed and signed into laws do not encroach on the first amendment of the Constitution. George Stephanopoulos on ABC tried to redirect the interview many times by implying that the law was blatantly discriminatory only against gays and lesbians. The Governor would have nothing to do with that tactic and kept on message and even educating George that the same law was passed by the democrats and signed into law by bill clinton in 1993.

The democrats passed the bill in 1993 and signed into law the same year praised it for being all inclusive. Now that the law is being used for practical reasons and it fits squarely into conservative views and values they are in a catatonic state of anger that their law is being used for good.

Bill Clinton signed the bill into law in 1993 and obama voted for a nearly identical bill in 1998, democrats hate when a law can be used by conservatives in the same manner to protect individuals and businesses

This Law means that the person or business is considered innocent until the state can find that a law was not burdensome on a person or business now……..As does the Federal Law…….


Obama And Living On 15,000 A Year

January 22, 2015

In obama’s state of the union speech he dared congress to live on minimum wage for a year aka 15,000 a year

only one problem in his poorly written speech, regarding the total yearly income.  obama forgot that each state has

income taxes or none at all.  in states like New York and California  an individual will pay total taxes including federal

taxes.nearly 55% of their income (all federal income taxes, obamacare taxes, state taxes, county taxes, city taxes, sales

taxes, gas taxes, (some states the sugar tax), cigarette tax, property taxes(these pay for fire, police, school, infrastructure city

government, county government, roads) , (some states driving on the road tax), utility taxes(water, gas,land line phone, and

cell phone), prescription taxes, doctors office visits.

So basically a single person tries to live on 7,500 or less a year, and that barely gives the single person a chance to actually

live. From the number of federal programs that could be cut is outrageous, there are almost 50 or more federal jobs training

programs that overlap or duplicate older programs that are just as effective, you could cut 39 to 41 programs and nobody

would notice except for the federal employees union would.

I was living in a state that was taking the same as federal income taxes each month because I was single and making over

31,000 a year, I was placed into the top 10% income earners tax bracket all because I had no dependents and no

deductions. Total taxes that I was paying each month was 1600, I was paying 61% of my income in total taxes…….

I am now  living in a state to where I am able to start saving for my retirement, and start investing my spare money that that

it will help with my retirement when I do retire.

We have a federal government that uses what is called base line budgeting that builds in a 10% budget increase for the

next federal budget and when congress gives itself a pat on the back for cutting the federal budget all they are cutting is just

the pace of the increase, not actually cutting the budget. Under the years of Sequester the budget that was used the

federal budget 2007, less than 10 pennies on 100 dollars was lost on each federal agency budget…….

Obama dares congress to live on 15 grand a year, when all the vacations that he has taken is over 44 million dollars,

compared to George W, Bush his vacations cost the tax payers 4 million total…………

Talk about not walking the talk, he challenges others but wont do it himself, he was born with a a silver spoon in his mouth

and expects others to pay for his life style.

I challenge obama himself to live on 15 grand and nothing else pay for his gas when local in D.C., live on bag lunches and

eat ramen noodles 3 to 5 nights a week…….and live on peanut butter toast during the mornings and powdered milk and no

govt programs……….

But like all democrats they are all show and emotions but no substance or ideas to actually solve a problem….