Archive for the ‘gas tax’ Category


Joe Biden, Idiot Or Just Ignorant

February 25, 2015

Joe Biden, MOST incompetent vice president even more so than Al Gore, he stated in a speech that the govt must emancipate the peoples wealth, just as the democrats emancipated the slaves during the Civil War.

Last time I checked My history it was President Abrahman Lincoln who by presidential decree freed ended slavery while the democrats have done everything under the sun to bring back slavery and they have succeeded beyond theuir imagination by creating the economic slavery plantation.

They have another entire generation thinking that what the govt gives out is totally free such as the following

rental assistance

Medical coverage – subsidies – obamacare –

school: from kindergarten to college now

cars: cash for clunkers

Houses: Community Reinvestment Act: created the savings and loan scandal of the 1980’s, created the housing bubble in 2008, soon will cause another housing bubble again under new rules applied by congress in 2009.

credit scores: 2009 banking reform law: if your credit score is over 650 anytime you check it or it is checked then upto 10 points are taken and given to people with low credit scores

unempolyment benefits: no cut off or deadlines

welfare: all progress has been reversed from the welfare reform act of the 1990’s

Jobs: instead of working one fulltime job you will now need to work 2 jobs because employers are keeping the hours to under 30 hours to escape the penalty under obamacare.

Biden was talking about the 1% holding all the wealth but that is just smoke and mirrors, the democrats true target is the middle class because that is the segment of the population where the total wealth could run the federal govt for years.  Every action the democrats have passed into law has hurt the middle class and the poor making them more relient upon the federal govt.

The democrats  never emancipate anything or anyone, they just ENSLAVE them deeper to the federal govt.

Biden let the cat out of the bag by telling us that the democrats are going after the middle class wealth….

Just remember the DEMOCRATS have always been the party of slavery, they provoked a civil war to keep slavery….


Obama And Living On 15,000 A Year

January 22, 2015

In obama’s state of the union speech he dared congress to live on minimum wage for a year aka 15,000 a year

only one problem in his poorly written speech, regarding the total yearly income.  obama forgot that each state has

income taxes or none at all.  in states like New York and California  an individual will pay total taxes including federal

taxes.nearly 55% of their income (all federal income taxes, obamacare taxes, state taxes, county taxes, city taxes, sales

taxes, gas taxes, (some states the sugar tax), cigarette tax, property taxes(these pay for fire, police, school, infrastructure city

government, county government, roads) , (some states driving on the road tax), utility taxes(water, gas,land line phone, and

cell phone), prescription taxes, doctors office visits.

So basically a single person tries to live on 7,500 or less a year, and that barely gives the single person a chance to actually

live. From the number of federal programs that could be cut is outrageous, there are almost 50 or more federal jobs training

programs that overlap or duplicate older programs that are just as effective, you could cut 39 to 41 programs and nobody

would notice except for the federal employees union would.

I was living in a state that was taking the same as federal income taxes each month because I was single and making over

31,000 a year, I was placed into the top 10% income earners tax bracket all because I had no dependents and no

deductions. Total taxes that I was paying each month was 1600, I was paying 61% of my income in total taxes…….

I am now  living in a state to where I am able to start saving for my retirement, and start investing my spare money that that

it will help with my retirement when I do retire.

We have a federal government that uses what is called base line budgeting that builds in a 10% budget increase for the

next federal budget and when congress gives itself a pat on the back for cutting the federal budget all they are cutting is just

the pace of the increase, not actually cutting the budget. Under the years of Sequester the budget that was used the

federal budget 2007, less than 10 pennies on 100 dollars was lost on each federal agency budget…….

Obama dares congress to live on 15 grand a year, when all the vacations that he has taken is over 44 million dollars,

compared to George W, Bush his vacations cost the tax payers 4 million total…………

Talk about not walking the talk, he challenges others but wont do it himself, he was born with a a silver spoon in his mouth

and expects others to pay for his life style.

I challenge obama himself to live on 15 grand and nothing else pay for his gas when local in D.C., live on bag lunches and

eat ramen noodles 3 to 5 nights a week…….and live on peanut butter toast during the mornings and powdered milk and no

govt programs……….

But like all democrats they are all show and emotions but no substance or ideas to actually solve a problem….