Archive for the ‘Mob Connections’ Category


Southern Poverty Law Center

August 26, 2017

After reading multiple websites and reading information on how the southern poverty law center came into being, I have come to the conclusion the real and true nature of the SPLC aka southern poverty law center real intentions are and what they do so as to keep the DNC and demcorats such as harry Reid and shummer and Nancy pelosi hands clean from contact but they are indirectly giving monies and blueprint on what to do each month.

The SPLC is the clearing house for information and directive control of the KKK, black lives matter movement, neo-nazis and the white supremacists by directing them where to demonstrate and to cause as much mayhem even violent acts to intimidate the elected GOP memebers in Congress. Every time the SPLC speak or issue a new map listing groups they disagree politically there is a demonstration planned knowing full well that violence will occur even some will be deadly expressly for that purpose at times.

Take Charlottesville as the most recent example of demonstrations and violence, first the person who filed the paperwork for the protest march is in fact one of the leaders that created the occupy Wall Street movement that failed. The ALT-right groups are actually groups created and funded by the SPLC and George Soros. The SPLC gives the groups their orders indirectly thru back channels.

The SPLC should be considered a home grown terrorist hate group because if you even disagree with any of their political views you are deemed full of hate and will be destroyed for not acknowledging that their way of thinking is the only what to think, any opposing views are not tolerated by the group. GuideStar what use too be a legit organization that listed charities that used most of the money they received for its purpose versus charities that had very high overhead costs.

The SPLC funnels money to the extremist groups so that they can continue to spread the hate of the left and the Democratic Party. It’s sad to note but nobody has taken the time to tie the SPLC to the attacks that the SPLC has sued and the number of cases they have won. It’s too convenient that to have such a nearly perfect case of winning suits in the manner they have goes against all probabilities. Yes the KKK did attack and burn down the original SPLC building but the coincidences to me are hard to ignore, since the SPLC pays the KKK and other extremist groups. These are just my opinions but somebody needs to investigate the real nature and purpose of the SPLC.

The SPLC does not allow opinions differing from theirs if you do you are a racist, a homophobe, misogynist, anything to intimidate a person to back down from their personal beliefs. I know that I will be attacked because of this post but what can they do, when they malign people and groups already for not accepting only their view of the world. Currently the SPLC is attacking President Trump for the pardon of former sheriff Arpiao of Arizona based on a falsehood they wish to perpetrate upon the American citizens.

First and foremost illegal immigrants do not have they same civil rights as American citizens and LEGAL immigrants have, illegal immigrants are granted the most basic rights which are to be treated fairly when arrested, and basic medical needs or food. ILLEGAL immigrants are not entitled to a free education, citizenship does not happen if you are born here unless one parent is already an American citizen, so there is no such thing as anchor babies to begin with, as the SPLC wants people to believe.

Checking a persons immigration status is not illegal to do, only when obama was in office, La Raza and the SPLC are assisting the Democratic Party in creating the next voting block of American citizens who in fact would really become 2nd class citizen with no opportunity to advance or get an education to help them achieve independence from govt handouts. The democrats see the ILLEGAL immigrants only purpose is to keep them in power politically.

The SPLC and La Raza put the rights of ILLEGALs higher than the civil rights of American citizens and LEGAL immigrants. If you are in America illegally then you only have basic rights and nothing more, American citizens and LEGAL immigrants have the same basic civil rights guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution where as ILLEGALs only have basic rights that are less than American civil rights.

I stated before it’s time someone really investigated the SPLC and its ties to the groups that protest and violently demonstrate. There are no conservative groups or individuals that give money to groups such as the KKK ever. The media should also be included in being investigated for helping assist the SPLC.

This post is just my opinion, but if someone wants to do the investigating, I say go for it one hundred percent.


Freedom of Speech

June 3, 2016

Free speech is under attack again by the party of slavery and illegal immigration, as long as the majority stays silent and toes the line on political correctness and never doubt the veracity of what they say, they will not send in goons to beat up people attending conservative rallies. Since the presidential race to see who will be the standard bearer of each political party, the goons have been sent out to those who hold rallies and speak the words that scare them to their core and that is enforcement of our Countries laws.

The failure to enforce our laws started in the mid 1980’s when the democrats banded together and refused to pass the budget bills for the federal agencies specifically the agency over seeing the border patrol. They took to the airwaves with the complicity of the media, spewing misinformation on the illegals then, about how they were doing the jobs americans wouldn’t do. It was to be just a one time deal that was struck with then president Ronald Reagan, what a shock it was to see them beating the drums on overhauling the immigration laws under George W. Bush in his last two years of his 2nd term.

Then when Obama was elected and people who saw America the same way he did were placed into positions within the department of homeland security and the border patrol started the downward slide of our nations immigrations lasws. Border patrol agents have been fired for speaking out against obams’s policies on illegal immigrants, budgets have been cut or sliced for border patrol posts along the Mexican border so that it severely hinders the border patrol from doing the job of stopping illegals and even drug smuggling.

The American silent majority were not impressed with the GOP approved list of candidates, so two outsiders entered into the GOP party as well, Ben Carson and Donald Trump. True conservatives started to attend their political rallies and neither candidate were going to be P.C., which I just staying on the sidelines thought it was funny as hell watching the democrats and the left wing media tv stations were in histrionics by saying that amongst the illegals were drug runners, murderes and rapists and child rapists. The left wing media talking head shows and the newspapers went on the immediate offense talking about how they should be referred to as undocumented because illegals is such a demeaning name.

The call went out from the Democratic Party for the SEIU goons to harass and attack any citizen attending either of Ben Carson and or Donald Trumps campaigns. The GOP elites of the party tried their best to get the approved politicians to be the ones that republicans would favor and either Ben or Donald would go to the wayside, but what happened was the silent majority woke up and said enough to an approved list of candidates. The silent majority wants a candidate that will attack the democrats candidate based on their political views regardless if they are a female, or male based on ethnicty,religion, sexual preference, or even sexual identity.

Far to long have the silent majority put up with spineless candidates unless they are attacking a rival within the party. Two prime examples of spineless candidates were McCain of Arizona and Romney of Massachusetts were extremely spineless. McCain was the standard bearer because he felt he was entitled to it after being a senator for so many years, and relying on the fact he was a captured air force pilot twisting it into him being a hero. McCain was spineless, because he refused to go after Obama and his political views, I believe McCain was suffering what the media called white guilt. Romney was selected because he wouldn’t offend Obama either by calling Obama out on his political views for fear of being called racist.

Calling a politician out on his or her political views is not racist, it’s politics. Hillary was begain her coronation even before the campaign season began because she was entitled to it for being married to Bill Clinton and her being a woman. Since the approved list of GOP candidates are no longer in the picture and Trump is the last man standing and being able to garner support of the silent majority and not being P.C., which majority of Americans are happy about and is also attacking the media and not being apologetic, the way the media wants our candidates. Is he a true conservative no.

The silent majority is tired of P.C. presidential candidates going up against the Democratic Party chosen, they want a candidate who will attack their politics and their hatred of the constitution and our nation and our laws. What I fear is the democrats hatred of america the start of violent civil unrest by the Democratic Party because it is not beneath them and they have have history of beating people up even those in wheelchairs, and trying to deny the rights of the military personnel serving overseas from voting.

I wrote this after reading about the goons and the illegal goons bought and paid for by the DNC and George Soros to intimidate those who went to Donald Trumps rally in California on 06/02/2016, just for attending people were beaten by mobs paid for by the DNC and George Soros. There will be more goons at the Trump rally in Redding CA, it’s time for the rolling thunder group to help the police protect citizens doing nothing wrong other than exercising their rights of freedom of association and freeDom of speech which the democrats wish to abolish.

I am a constitional conservative, kicked out of both the democratic party and the GOP…..